Saturday, May 13, 2017

To Do

30 Day "To Do" list

Come up with a list of 10 things YOU (you personally) can do to improve your mood.
Be accountable for it, score it, daily.  No calling it a night unless you have a 8/10.
Yours may vary... but here is mine.

1. Drink Water - (No coffee until first glass of water is done!)
2. Yoga - (First thing upon waking, before bath, internet or any other distractions.)
3. Walk - (100 steps or 10,000 - get out of your space and move.)
4. Be grateful for someone or thing. (State it out loud, if its a person, let them know one simple reason why you value them, I will add them in my posts.)
5. Build/Create (Paint, draw, sing, make, tinker, build, doodle, play...)
6. Be still (aka Meditation)
7. Positive self talk (Kill the critic in your mind that tells you all those nasty lies)
8. Take in NO junk  (This means fat, candy, jerks, users, or whatever is causing you stress)
9. "Fix" one tiny tiny tiny little thing.  Or bigger things if you are up to it.  (Be it a loose screw, dirty dishes, broken relationships...)
10. Seek pleasure. (This can be self massage, sex, curl up with a book or movie, dancing it out, going out, smelling the flowers...)

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